Legal notice

Wilhelm G. Clasen GmbH & Co. KG
Burchardstraße 17
20095 Hamburg

Telephone: +49 40 323295-21
Registration court: Hamburg District Court
Commercial register number: HRA 120531
VAT identification number: DE307976040

Personally liable partner:

Wilhelm G. Clasen Services GmbH
Burchardstraße 17
20095 Hamburg
Federal Republic of Germany

Managing Director: Peter Clasen, Thomas Bressler, Oliver Reimer-Wollenweber
Registration court: Hamburg District Court
Commercial register number: HRB 92992
VAT identification number: DE245060710

Editorially responsible within the meaning of § 55 paragraph 2 Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV): Josef Bilski

Dispute resolution for consumers:

The Commission’s EU platform on Online Dispute Resolution is available on the following link

In principle, Wilhelm G. Clasen GmbH & Co. KG is neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before an arbitration board vis-à-vis the customer.

However, Wilhelm G. Clasen GmbH & Co. KG will do everything in its power to resolve a dispute with the customer in an extrajudicial way and hence to avoid a legal dispute.

Copyright and trademark rights:

The content of this website is protected by copyright. Its reproduction and other use is permitted only to the extent authorised in accordance with the (German) copyright act. Trademark law protects logos and company names.